Pitching the Mountain Laurel Designs pyramid tent is super easy! After a few test pitches, most users can set it in under two minutes on a normal day and under one minute when properly motivated!
Cut four 18 in | 46 cm guylines, and tie a 2 in | 5 cm stake loop at one end. Thread the free end of the guyline into the corner LineLocks on the shelter, then up through the rear LineLock slot/hole, over the bar and down through the front LineLock slot/hole. Tie an overhand knot with a 1 in | 2.5 cm tail to prevent the line from pulling out of the LineLock.
- Adjust the corner guylines to be short – no more than 2 in | 5 cm of slack from the LineLock.
- Stake out the rear corners to the ground. The rear wall baseline between the corners should be medium tight, with no slack.
- Stake out the front corners. The side baseline of the shelter should be tight. Watch the angle formed by the rear and side walls of the shelter at the rear corners and position the front corners so that the rear corners form 90-degree angles. The goal is to have a perfectly square/rectangle floor base. As viewed from overhead the corners and corner guylines form a perfect X shape right out to the stakes.
- Unzip the front door leaving the bottom buckle snapped.
- Reach or step in and insert the center pole – adjust its height to make the shelter tight.
- Now you can cut and add any other mid-panel or mid-baseline guylines as needed. The lengths needed will be obvious.
- OPTIONAL: Attach your InnerNet. (See: How to Attach the MLD InnerNet.)
IMPORTANT NOTES: You can use a small bungee loop on any center panel tie-outs to limit wind force on that tie-outs. DO NOT stake out a center side panel tie-outs too much – it should only move the wall a couple of inches out at most! DO NOT pull it so far it changes the shape of the mid-wall.
That’s it, pitching the Mountain laurel Designs Pyramid Tent is that easy! The shelter should be tight and square; almost all setup problems occur when the shelter floor is not square, with all corner angles as close to 90-degrees as possible, or slack is left in the corner guylines. You can slightly tighten each corner LineLock if needed.
Your first setup is a good time to seam seal your shelter IF you have purchased a silnylon version and did not have it factory seam sealed. Use the SilNet supplied to seal the main seams, center panels tie-outs, door zipper stitching, and the apex stitching. Use only a small amount and do not go back over an area after five minutes. You can use your finger to push the sealer into the seams. If you miss a spot, wait until it is dry and then re-coat as necessary. For Full Instructions see, How to Seam Seal Your MLD Tent.